Thursday, August 12, 2010

IV. Inspirational Poetry



Was lange haelt, wird endlich gut

so wie es auch, der Samen tut;

Er spriesst hervor, wie aus dem Ei

Die Zelle teilt sich, gleich entzwei;

Es spriesst und waechst, der kleine Spross

entwickelt sich, durch Jahre noch;

Ob Baum, ob Mann, so tritt er vor

er waechst und blueht, gedeiht zuvor;

So nimmt das Leben, seinen Lauf

Die Frucht der Jahre, bis zum Kauf;

Dann wird er alt, und gruent nicht mehr

in voller Reife, vergraut er sehr;

Er freut sich auf, das Ende nun

ein Leben lang, von seinem Tun;

So kommt der Herr, zu seinem Glueck

und bringt ihn, in sein Reich zurueck;

Der Anfang, und das Ende immerdar

So ist das Leben,  wunderbar;

Von Gott erhaelt er, seinen Dank;

so lebt er ewig, im neuen Land






Nag Hammadi

A village in Egypt, so far away

old scriptures were found, or so they say;

Intrigued by this, I ordered the book

just to be nosy, and have a look;

They say they were found, in an ancient vessel

twelve new books,  of old days they tell us;

Translated they were, for us to read

I would like to know, what the stories heed;

New Apocrypha, to the truth will add

the writings of old, in the book of trust;

Now I wait, for the postman to come

to deliver the books, to me as one





The Writing of Poems

I like to sit here, on my own

where I can write, my little poem;

The pen is sharp, the paper crisp

the words arrive, without a lisp;

Coffee pot, and tea bags ready

a choice of drink, will keep me steady;

And so I sit here, in my kitchen

thinking about, the next line itching;

I write it down, and read in wonder

what I have written, after ponder;

And so these poems, are created

for in my mind , so long awaited;

I write it down, for you to read

to share my thinking, without heed;

One might think, this is my creation

I Thank the Lord, for divine inspiration







The Shadow

He follows me always, hither and thither

in the light he will grow, never seeming to whither;

From North or South, from East or West

the sun will cast him, to direct;

Never alone, in the valleys I wonder

For beside me forever, my shadow will linger;

He knows me better, than any of you

for  e v e r y  step, he follows me true;

The clouds may gather, and light shall fade

my shadow with me, in darkness crave;

He disappears, just for a short while

for as light returns, again he’ll be mine







Oculus Domini

Das Auge des Herrn, es wacht ueber uns

Es sieht und es spricht, wie aus einem Mund;

No human compares, to the eye of the Lord

for nothing is hidden, in sight or in thought;

If German or English, whatever the tongue

never forget, that his work will be done;

Mit strengem Auge, ueberwacht er uns Alle

Keiner entkommt, seiner scharfen Kralle;

The eye - das Auge, es ueber uns steht

Ohne seinen Blick, kein Tag vergeht;

He closes his eyes, never on us

for following him, in truth we must;

Niemals schlaeft es, ohne Wacht

Bis zu dem Tag, – es ist vollbracht

( with mingled tongue – mit vermischter Zunge)

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