Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010 - Happy New Year 2011

Merry Christmas 2010
Originally uploaded by abracacamera
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year for 2011 to all my Family, Friends, Visitors and Followers. Thank you all for your kind support and encouraging comments throughout the year. Wishing you all good health and a lot of happiness for the coming year...
May God bless you all and guide you in everything you do.
My kindest regards, Maria

Saturday, December 18, 2010

One Brave Motorist

One Brave Motorist
Originally uploaded by abracacamera
It certainly is a Winterwonderland here in Wales today, but apart from the stunning beauty nature's winter dress presents to us, it also leaves our roads and paths treacherously dangerous. I couldn't resist to venture out for a brief walk this afternoon, taking only small steps all the way because the roads were covered in sheer ice, on which even my winter boots couldn't stop me from slipping. The most joy was definitely being had by the numerous youngsters I saw, sledging down various hills. One brave motorist passed me on his quad bike, the only motor vehicle in sight. The only village shop open today must have had a field day as the queues at all three tills were rather busy while people shopped for their essentials, yes me too, I thought it might be wise to get a few things in, just in case the online-grocer can't deliver tomorrow - after today's cancellation.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hebrew Phrases – Hebraeische Redewendungen

Looking at ‘Hebrew Phrases’, I have learned that grammatically, there are distinct differences, depending on whether you address  male - or  female gender. These differences will take me a while to grasp, as well as some of the more complex grammar I have started to study, like for instance, the plural endings of nouns and again the differences between their masculine and feminine forms. Luckily I am in no rush and studying at my own leisure really suits me, no pressure to prepare for exams or the like, just gentle practice, day by day. It really doesn’t matter to me, if I will ever be able to hold a meaningful conversation in Hebrew, that is not my aim. My aim is merely to understand the Holy Scriptures in their original form, to be able to read and understand the verses and their meanings in their ‘poetic beauty’. (english)


In Anbetracht auf die ‘Hebraeischen Redewendungen’ habe ich gelernt, dass aus grammatischer Sicht ein definitiver Unterschied darin besteht, ob es sich beim Adressanten nun um das maennliche - oder das weibliche Geschlecht handelt. Fuer diese Unterschiede werde ich eine zeitlang brauchen, bis sie mir gang und gaebe werden, sowohl als auch die weitere Komplexitaet der Grammatik , mit der ich nun angefangen habe mich zu beschaeftigen, wie z.b. der Unterschied zwischen maskulinen und femininen Plural-Formen der Endungen bei Hauptwoertern(Nomen). Gluecklicherweise bin ich nicht in Eile und das geruhsame Studieren gefaellt mir sehr, ohne den Leistungsdruck und ohne Examensvorbereitungen, nur einfach genuessliches Lernen, Tag fuer Tag. Es stoert mich nicht, ob ich je einmal eine meinungsvolle Unterhaltung auf hebraeisch fuehren koennte, darum geht es mir nicht. Mir geht es vielmehr darum, dass ich die Heiligen Schriften im Original verstehen kann, sie zu lesen und die Verse und ihre Bedeutungen in ihrer ‘poetischen Schoenheit’ zu verstehen. (german)



Useful Hebrew phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Hebrew. Click on the English phrases to see them in many other languages.

Key to abbreviations: m = said by men, f = said by women, >m = said to men, >f = said to women.

(Hebrew) עברית

(baruch haba) ברוך הבא
pl - (bruchim ha-baim) ברוכים הבאים

(shalom) שלום
on phone - (halo) הלו

How are you?
Fine thanks, and you?
>m (ma shlomxa) מה שלומך? >f (ma shlomex) מה שלומך?
(ma xadash) מה חדש? (ma nishma) מה נשמע?

(tov, toda. veata? / atem?) טוב, תודה. ואתה / אתם?

Long time no see
(Mizman loh hitraehnu) מזמן לא התראנו

What's your name?
My name is ...
(ma shimkha) מה שמך?

(shmi ...) שמי...

Where are you from?
I'm from ...
m - (meayin ata) מאין אתה? f - (meayin at) מאין את?
m - (mi-eyfo ata) מאיפה אתה? f - (mi-eyfo at) מאיפה את?

(mi...) אני(מ) ...

Pleased to meet you
(na'im me'od) נעים מאוד

Good morning
(boker tov) בוקר טוב

Good afternoon
(achar tzahara'im tovim) אחר צהריים טובים

Good evening
(erev tov) ערב טוב

Good night
(laila tov) לילה טוב

(lehitraot) להתראות

Good luck
(behatslacha) בהצלחה

Have a nice day
>f - (sheyihiye lach yom na'im) שיהיה לַך יום נעים
>m - (sheyihiye lecha yom na'im) שיהיה לְךַ יום נעים

Bon appetit
(b'tayavon) בתיאבון

Bon voyage
(nesi'á tová) נסיעה טובה (derekh tzleha) דרך צלחה

I don't understand
m - (ani loh mevin) אני לא מבין
f - (ani loh mevinah) אני לא מבינה

Please speak more slowly
(efshar ledaber yoter le-at?) אפשׁר לדבּר יותר לאט?

Please say it again!
(tahzor od pa-am be-vakasha!) תחזור עוד פעם בבקשה!

Please write it down
(efshar likhtov li et ze?) אפשר לכתוב לי את זה?

Do you speak Hebrew?
Yes, a little
m - (atah medaber ‘ivrit?) אתה מדבר עברית?
f - (at medaberet ‘ivrit?) את מדברת עברית?

m - (ken, ‘ani medaber ktzat ‘ivrit) כן, אני מדבר קצת עברית
f - (ken, ‘ani medaberet ktzat ‘ivrit) כן, אני מדברת קצת עברית

How do you say ...
in Hebrew?

איך אומרים בעברית ...?
(eych omrim be'ivrit ...?)

Excuse me
to attract attention - בבקשה!
to ask someone to move - סליחה רגע!

How much is this?
(Kama ze ole?) כמה זה עולה?

(slicha) סליחה!

Thank you
You're welcome
(rav todot) רב תודות (toda) תודה

(bevakasha) בבקשה

Where's the toilet?
(Eifo ha'sheirutim?) איפה השרותים?

Would you like to
dance with me?

>f - (ha'im tirtsi lircod iti?) האם תרצי לרקוד איתי?
>m - (ha'im tirtseh lircod iti?) האם תרצה לרקוד איתי?

I love you
>f (ani ohev otach) אני אוהב אותך
>m (ani ohevet otcha) אני אוהבת אותך

Leave me alone!
sg - (Azov oti be-sheket!) עזוב אותי בשקט!
pl - (Izvu oti be-sheket!) עיזבו אותי בשקט!


(atsiloo!) הצילו!
(srefah!) שרפה!
(atsor!) עצור!

Call the police!
(haz-iku mishtarah!) הזעיקו משטרה!

Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year

חג מולד שמח ושנה טובה
(hag Molad Sameach v'Shanah Tovah)

Happy Easter
(chag pascha same'ach) חג פסחא שמח

Happy Birthday
(Yom Huledet Sameakh) יום הולדת שמח

One language is never enough
ידיעת שפה אחת אינה מספיקה
(Yediat safa ahat eina maspika)

My hovercraft is full of eels
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
(Harahefet sh'eli mele'ah betzlofahim)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hebrew and Yiddish–Hebraeisch und Jiddisch


Hebrew- and Yiddish Language

When I started to learn the Hebrew Language, I discovered that the Yiddish Language uses the Hebrew Alphabet and due to my german speaking origin, I find myself  able to understand many words that I am reading in Hebrew Script. Although the Yiddish Language is very different from Hebrew, it has helped me in reading and understanding the Hebrew Alphabet, giving my studies a whole new angle. From a purely linguistically point of view, I find the study of these languages extremely fascinating.

This year has been a very enlightening year for me, and since our television set broke beyond repair and we decided not to replace it, my studies really have filled my time with the most wonderful revelations and reading materials, from various books to numerous internet files. I can honestly say that I have learned so much more than I expected, from being more creative to eagerly absorbing literature; it all has had a very positive effect on my life.

The most important book of all for me, is and always will be ‘The Bible’, in various translations;  always maintaining the truth and highly inspiring, she is in every language, unique.

Excerpts from Wikipedia:

Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world. It developed as a fusion of German dialects with Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages.[2][3] It is written in the Hebrew alphabet.

The language originated in the Ashkenazi culture that developed from about the 10th century in the Rhineland and then spread to Central and Eastern Europe and eventually to other continents. In the earliest surviving references to it, the language is called לשון־אַשכּנז (loshn-ashknez = "language of Ashkenaz") and טײַטש (taytsh, a variant of tiutsch, the contemporary name for the language otherwise spoken in the region of origin, now called Middle High German; compare the modern New High German Deutsch). In common usage, the language is called מאַמע־לשון (mame-loshn, literally "mother tongue"), distinguishing it from Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, which are collectively termed לשון־קודש (loshn-koydesh, "holy tongue"). The term "Yiddish" did not become the most frequently used designation in the literature of the language until the 18th century.

For a significant portion of its history, Yiddish was the primary spoken language of the Ashkenazi Jews and once spanned a broad dialect continuum from Western Yiddish to three major groups within Eastern Yiddish, namely Litvish, Poylish and Ukrainish. Eastern and Western Yiddish are most markedly distinguished by the extensive inclusion of words of Slavic origin in the Eastern dialects. While Western Yiddish has few remaining speakers, Eastern dialects remain in wide use.

Yiddish is written and spoken in Orthodox Jewish communities around the world. It is a home language in most Hasidic communities, where it is the first language learned in childhood, used in schools and in many social settings.

Yiddish is also used in the adjectival sense to designate attributes of Ashkenazic culture (for example, Yiddish cooking and Yiddish music).[4]

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Hebraeische- und Jiddische Sprache

Als ich anfing, die Hebraeische Sprache zu lernen, wurde mir bewusst, dass die Jiddische Sprache, ueblicherweise in Hebraeischen Schriftzeichen geschrieben wird. Daher kann ich nun, in Anbetracht meiner deutschsprachigen Abstammung, nun die Woerter, die ich in hebraeischer Schriftform lese, auch verstehen. Obwohl die Jiddische Sprache sich doch im Grunde von der Hebraeischen Sprache sehr unterscheidet, ist sie mir beim Lesen und Verstehen des Hebraeischen Alphabetes aeusserst hilfreich, was meinem Studium einen voellig neuen Wandel gibt. Aus rein linguistischer Sicht, finde ich das Studieren dieser Sprachen einfach faszinierend.

Dieses Jahr war ein sehr aufschlussreiches Jahr fuer mich, seit unser Fernsehgeraet kaputtgegangen ist und es sich nicht zu reparieren lohnte wobei wir uns entschlossen, keinen neuen Fernseher zu erwerben.  Mein Studium hat meine Zeit sehr sinnvoll, mit wundervollen Aufklaerungen und einzigartigem Lesematerial, in Anspruch genommen, von etlichen Buechern bis hin zu unzaehligen Internetakten. Ich kann ehrlich behaupten, dass ich viel mehr gelernt habe, als ich je erwartet haette, das geht ueber ungeahnte Kreativitaet bis hin zur freudigen Aufnahme verschiedenster Literatur; es hatte alles einen sehr positiven Einfluss auf mein Leben.

Das wichtigste Buch fuer mich, ist und bleibt ‘Die Bibel’, in verschiedenen Uebersetzungen; stets die Wahrheit bewahrend und hoechst inspirierend, ist sie in jeder Sprache, einmalig.

Auszuege von Wikipedia:

Jiddisch (aus ostjidd. jidisch [ייִדיש] für „jüdisch“; im 19. Jahrhundert als yiddish ins Englische entlehnt und daraus Anfang des 20. Jahrhundert als jiddisch ins Deutsche zurück übernommen) ist eine westgermanische Sprache mit hebräischen und slawischen Elementen, die als jüdische Sprache üblicherweise in hebräischen Schriftzeichen geschrieben wird.[1] Jiddisch ging zur Zeit des Hochmittelalters aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen hervor und ist allgemein auch heute noch der deutschen Sprache und deren Mundarten sehr nahe. Es wird von etwa drei Millionen Menschen, größtenteils Juden, auf der ganzen Welt gesprochen. Vor dem Holocaust gab es etwa 9 Millionen[2] Sprecher, die meisten davon in Ostmittel- und Osteuropa. Heutzutage sprechen neben älteren Menschen aller jüdischen Glaubensrichtungen vor allem chassidische Juden Jiddisch als Umgangssprache.

Der Erforschung der jiddischen Sprache, Literatur und Kultur widmet sich die Jiddistik, die auch in Deutschland und Österreich an mehreren Universitäten vertreten ist.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Progress in Hebrew Language Studies


My Work Place:


My studies of the Hebrew Language are slowly progressing, mostly at my desk, designated for this purpose. I keep an exercise book, in which I write every day, mainly revising the Hebrew Alphabet and adding at least one word a day to the vocabulary. I lack a good memory so this kind of revision is very important in my way of learning, after having decided not to enrol in a proper Hebrew Language Course for the simple reason that I don’t want to put myself under pressure of any kind. I want to learn this beautiful language in my own time, at my own pace and enjoy using all the tools at hand, including some of the wonderful and informative websites I have managed to find so far, which have been tremendously helpful in my studies.

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During my studies I have also discovered that in the Hebrew Tanakh (The Hebrew Bible), most of the verses are expressed in rhyme, which is not reflected in the various foreign translations of the Old Testament. This makes the Hebrew Tanakh the most ancient and the most important book of poetry ever written. It also tells me that God himself, Our Lord and Father, is also the most supreme Poet, a fact that only now has dawned on me. My reading skills are not advanced enough to enjoy these beautiful writings yet but I am hopeful to be able to enjoy the verses in their original wording as time goes by and my reading ability advances.

Like I mentioned above, I lack vocabulary and memory training, but with the aid of the internet I have found a wonderful and very informative website, which I still haven’t explored completely. The listed ‘Picture Dictionary’ offers a vast amount of basic vocabulary with in-depth  explanations, which I found very useful and of which I have listed a little excerpt below, (with kind permission, according to the statement at the bottom of the webpage).

For further information, please follow the link below:


AHRC Home > Vocabulary > Picture Dictionary

Biblical Hebrew Picture Dictionary

Fear (ירא yarey, Strong's #3372): The concrete Hebraic meaning of this verb is "to flow." It is related to the word yorehh [str:3138] meaning "first rain" and ye'or [str:2975] meaning "stream." When you are seriously afraid of something, you can feel your insides "flowing." This is the meaning of this word but is usually translated simply as "fear."

Shadow of Death (צלמות tsalmavet, Strong's #6757): The Hebrew language rarely includes compound words (two words put together to form one word). One of those few compound words in Hebrew is tsalmavet which is the word tsal [str:6738] meaning "shadow" and mavet [str:4194] meaning "death." The "shadow of death" is despair, danger or tragedy which is understood as a deep impenetrable darkness.

Valley (גיא gai, Strong's #1516): The parent root of this word is gey [Str:1341], a word meaning "pride" in the sense of lifting oneself up to a high position. The word gai is a valley, a place surrounded by "high" walls. While a valley can be a place of beauty, it can also be a place of darkness and defenselessness.

Footnote on this website:

Copyright © 1999-2007
Ancient Hebrew Research Center

Please feel free to use, copy or distribute any material on this site for non-profit educational purposes only.

Morning Star

7.34am Monday 29th November 2010


Once again, I noticed a lone star in the sky but unlike my last observation, this time I captured the only visible star in the early morning hours, more or less at the same point where I had previously taken pictures of a lone star in the evening. This star appears to be so much brighter than the rest and seems to be visible, even when the lights of all the other stars have long faded. It is now 8.23 am and as daylight has broken, the star has vanished from my view. This particular star fascinates me day after day, as it’s prominence really shines and arouses my attention, time after time. I have tried to find out more about it and after researching a little on the internet I have come to the conclusion that it might be Jupiter, although I am not 100% sure. Nevertheless, it seems to be always there, sometimes hidden in the clouds and barely visible, yet always present. Taking photographs of it is quite difficult with my little camera, although I tried to zoom in to the maximum ability of my camera, but even the built-in crop facility wouldn’t let me get in any closer. The same can be said for my Photoshop software, so these pictures have stretched my modest photographic ability to the limit.

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If it is Jupiter, it seems to circle the earth in a 12 hour cycle but I might be wrong…it is just my observation that it appears in the early evening at the same position as it does in the early morning. In any case, to me as a novice, I just enjoy it’s wondrous presence and look out for it, as soon as evening approaches. It fills me with delight and some kind of hope, while the rest of the world is in turmoil.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Snow on the Hills

Snow on the Hills
Originally uploaded by abracacamera
Winter has left it's mark with the first snow fall of the season this morning. The Snowdonian Mountains are graced with a white blanket of snow on the hill tops, which is just beautiful to look at, where I don't suppose my photographs do this wonderful scenery due justice. Down here in the valley, the snow hasn't settled yet but the forecast for the weekend is promising more cold weather and further wintery showers. In other parts of the country, there have been traffic chaos and a fair few accidents, involving unsuspecting and unprepared citizens, who were caught out in the sudden change of the weather.
It is the time of year, when one likes to curl up by a warm fire with a steaming hot drink, hoping not to have to brave the cold for anything. It really is freezing....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hebrew and Related Ancient Script Styles

As I started to study Hebrew more intensively about three months ago, I also searched on various websites for information, to help me understand the language and it’s origin. There are several ancient script styles and as a mere beginner of Hebrew, I have been learning and practicing to read and write 3 different styles of script simultaneously, foremost Hebrew Block Style but also Hebrew Cursive Script- and Hebrew Rashi Style. It has been time consuming and in the beginning a little confusing, but now I have reached a stage, where I can differentiate between these three script styles and learning is a real pleasure. My Hebrew-English ‘Tanakh’, which I enjoy to use for reading practice, does not have any form of transliteration but yet again the internet has proven to be a very helpful tool, as I have found a website, which displays most of the ‘Tanakh’ verses in transliterations and has been very useful in my learning to read and write this beautiful language. (english)

Hebraeisch und Verwandte Uralte Schriftformen
Als ich vor ungefaehr 3 Monaten mit dem intensiven Studium der Hebraeischen Sprache begann, suchte ich unter verschiedenen  Webseiten nach Informationen, um ein besseres Verstaendnis dieser Sprache und ihres Ursprungs zu erlangen. Es gibt unterschiedliche, uralte Schreibformen und als einfacher Anfaenger der Hebraeischen Sprache, habe ich mir gleichzeitig 3 Schriftformen angeeignet, die ich gegenwaertig zu lesen und zu schreiben uebe, vorwiegend Hebraeische Blockschrift, aber auch Hebraeische Cursive Script- und Rashi Schriftform. Es war sehr zeitaufwendig und anfangs auch etwas verwirrend, aber nun habe ich eine Phase erreicht, wobei ich diese drei Schriftformen deutlich auseinander halten kann und das Lernen ist eine wahre Freude. Mein Hebraeisch-Englischer ‘Tanakh’, den ich vorliebend gern fuer meine Leseuebungen benutze, beinhaltet zwar keine Transliterationen, aber hier wird das Internet wieder einmal zu einem sehr hilfreichen Werkzeug, denn ich habe eine Webseite gefunden, die die Verse des ‘Tanakh’ in Transliterarischer Form aufzeigt, was mir sehr zum Vorteil beim Lesen und Schreiben dieser wunderschoenen Sprache geworden ist. (german)

Excerpts from a very informative Website: Ivri –The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet
Words Have Life
The testimony of Genesis 1 and John 1 is that words become life when those words are uttered by the voice of God. When God was on Sinai, the people not only heard the sound of God, they saw His voice.
Sound Can be Seen. And all the Nation saw the voices and the flames, and the sound of the Shofar, and the mountain smoking, and the nation was afraid, and they trembled, and they stood far away. (Exodus 20: 18)
The Jews have also believed that the alphabet is sacred. Since it is the visible sound of God, I believe that it must testify something about God. So I examined this alphabet after I heard that the last letter was shaped like a cross and the first letter was an animal with horns.
When I researched the Hebrew alphabet, I did not see a cross in any of the letters, but I learned that each letter has a meaning. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew language and about 5 styles of writing these letters. Each letter has a specific numeric value. Since Hebrew is read from right to left, the alphabet is presented in that order.
  1. K'tav Ashuri (Assyrian Script). This is the square script currently used to write the sacred text.
    » STA"M (Sifrei, Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzos). This is special style of Ashuri with crowns above some letters that is actually used to write the sacred text in the Mezuzah, Torah and Tefillin.
    The evidence is that the Assyrian square script was adopted in the days of Ezra after the Babylonian captivity around 590 BC. It was only at the directive of the Talmud, which was written after 600 AD, that this was designated as the chosen script for biblical writings.
    Other modern styles are related to the Ashuri square script.
    » K'tav Rashi. Rabbinic commentary on a text may be written in this script.
    » Printed Book. Most printed books use this script that is basically a style of the Ashuri.
    Book Print
    » Cursive. This is the common script. It is a recent innovation which has existed for about 200 years.
    In all scripts except Ivri, five letters have a special letter (a final form) that replaces them when they are used at the end of a word. We have colored these letters (Kaf, Mem, Nun, Pe, Tzadi).
  2. K'tav Ivri (Ancient Hebrew Script). This is the style of writing that existed during the time of Moses. It does not resemble the current style, but the letters had the design features for which I was searching.
  3. Other Related Scripts.
    » Phoenician Script. This script may be the root of Hebrew, Aramaic, Samaritan, Arabic, Greek and Latin.
    » Aramaic Script. Ivri is similar to the Aramaic script that was prevalent in the region.
    » Samaritan Script. This script was used by the northern tribes who returned from captivity.
    » Neo-Punic. This language was spoken in Carthage and parts of North Africa as late as the fourth century AD. Three letters have two different forms (Tet, Samekh and Tau).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Learning Hebrew







Learning Hebrew

Hebrew is a fascinating language in which even the Alphabet itself speaks a language of it’s own, where each and every letter holds a secret meaning. To learn any language, one has to begin with the Alphabet, whether it be German, English, Greek, Russian or any other language. As the Hebrew Alphabet is so very different from our own (meaning English, German etc.) I didn’t think I could ever master it but I have been making slow progress for the past three months and even purchased a copy of the ‘Tanakh’ to assist me in my reading practice. With the aid of several websites and ‘Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary’, as well as daily commitment, I am now able to read and write simple sentences.



Hebraeisch Lernen

Hebraeisch ist eine faszinierende Sprache, bei der sogar das Alphabet selbst eine eigene Sprache beinhaltet, wobei jeder einzelne Buchstabe eine geheimnisvolle Bedeutung verbirgt. Beim Erlernen einer jeden Sprache beginnt man zunaechst mit dem entsprechenden Alphabet, ganz egal ob es sich dabei nun um Englisch, Deutsch, Griechisch, Russisch, oder irgend eine andere Sprache handelt. Da aber das Hebraeische Alphabet nun so voellig anders als das Unsere ist, (dabei meine ich Englisch, Deutsch etc.), haette ich niemals gedacht, dass ich es je bewaeltigen koennte aber ich habe in den letzten drei Monaten kleine Fortschritte diesbezueglich aufweisen koennen und mir den ‘Tanakh’ fuer meine Leseuebungen gekauft. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Webseiten und dem ‘Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary’, und taeglichem Engagement, ist es mir nun moeglich, einfache Saetze in hebaeisch zu lesen und zu schreiben.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

XVI Inspirational Poetry



Die Liebe


Sie kennt keinen Hass; Sie kennt keinen Neid

nur innere Freude, dem Herzen geweiht.

Sie braucht kein Gold; Sie braucht kein Zelt

denn ihres Schatzes, ist die ganze Welt.

Sie hat kein Versteck; Sie hat kein Ende

offenkundig spricht sie, ganze Baende.

Sie nimmt ihren Lauf; Sie nimmt ihren Weg

fuer jeden erhaeltlich, frei und geregt.

Sie kommt mit Sanftmut; Sie kommt mit Guete

des Geistes Wohnsitz, im edlen Gemuete.

Sie laeuft mit Kraft; Sie laeuft mit Eifer

so werden wir durch, die Liebe reifer.

Sie gibt ihre Freude; Sie gibt ihren Schmerz

die Liebe erfuellt, das ganze Herz.

Sie stroemt durch’s Leben; Sie stroemt im Genuss

die Liebe erfahren, ein Jeder muss.

Sie ist die Liebe; Sie ist ein Geschenk

von Gott uns’rem Vater, der Alles lenkt.




Never-ending, Liberty

Never-ending, Joy to be

Never-ending, in this Life

Never-ending, Dreams to strife

Never-ending, Happiness

Never-ending, Haste to live

Never-ending, is the Cause

Never-ending, Trust at source

Never-ending, Visions thought

Never-ending, Faith in God

Never-ending, Hope to share

Never-ending, Love to care

Never-ending, ‘I reach for you’

Never-ending, ‘my Soul so true’

Never-ending, ‘I long to be’

Never-ending, ‘to be with thee’