Via Flickr:
Odin loves the garden, sniffing and chewing on the plants, digging where he shouldn't. He has found his favourite shady spot, where he sits for ages, taking in the fresh air and sweet smells.
Odin liebt es im Garten zu sein, zu schnueffeln and an den Pflanzen zu kauen, zu buddeln wo er es eigentlich nicht sollte. Er hat seinen schattigen Lieblingsplatz, wo er dann lange sitzt und die frische Luft geniesst, gefuellt von suessen Dueften.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Writing of Poems - A Poem
Via Flickr:
The Writing of Poems
I like to sit here, on my own
where I can write, my little poem;
The pen is sharp, the paper crisp
the words arrive, without a lisp;
Coffee pot, and tea bags ready
a choice of drink, will keep me steady;
And so I sit here, in my kitchen
thinking about, the next line itching;
I write it down, and read in wonder
what I have written, after ponder;
And so these poems, are created
for in my mind , so long awaited;
I write it down, for you to read
to share my thinking, without heed;
One might think, this is my creation
I Thank the Lord, for divine inspiration
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tzimtzum - A Poem
Contraction - Expansion
in space and in time;
Your being is present,
in 'Olam' divine.
You gave us the stars,
the moon and the sun;
My Lord is the Light,
since existence began.
Concealed is Your power,
and heavenly gift;
in every soul,
that has ever lived.
Your Word is creation,
the 'All' in this life,
the seeds that You planted,
forever suffice.
One Lord, One God,
One Father, One Son,
Your Spirit within us,
in Tzimtzum at One.
Explanation: 1. 'Olam' (hebrew word) = 'world' or 'universe'
2.'Tzimtzum' = The etymology is complementary with the concept of Tzimtzum,
in that the physical universe conceals the spiritual nature of creation.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Snail - Schnecke
Via Flickr:
After a wonderful week of glorious sunshine we are back with the good, old, english rain. Last week we enjoyed mediterranean weather conditions, warm and sunny, with the evenings being slightly cooler but still very pleasant. The garden needed watering so we decided to wait for the sun to hide behind the roof tops before we applied the hose and gave everything a good sprinkle. When I returned after supper and it was still light, I discovered an amazing appearance of all type of snails and slugs in our garden. Maybe not the most attractive of God's little creatures, nevertheless they are quite fascinating to watch and in their own little way, kind of beautiful.
Nach einer wundervollen Woche und herrlichem Sonnenschein hat uns nun das typisch englische Regenwetter wieder erreicht. Wir haben letzte Woche mittelmeerraeumisches Wetter genossen; es war warm und sonnig, wobei es gegen Abend etwas kuehler wurde, aber dennoch sehr angenehm. Der Garten musste bewaessert werden und so entschlossen wir uns, nachdem die Sonne hinter den Hausdaechern unterging, unseren Gartenschlauch anzuschliessen und alle Gewaechse ein wenig zu besprengen. Spaeter dann, nach dem Abendbrot, als es noch etwas hell war, entdeckte ich eine erstaunliche Anzahl von Schnecken aller Art in unserem Garten. Es sind vielleicht nicht ganz die attraktivsten Kreaturen die unser Herr erschaffen hat, aber sie sind dennoch faszinierend zu beobachten und in ihrer besonderen Weise, wunderschoen.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Shney Shoshanim - Two Roses - Zwei Rosen
Beautiful Hebrew Song, sung by Ofra Haza