Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Faith Child Ministry

The Faith Child Ministry by abracacamera
The Faith Child Ministry, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Please help the children of Jinja Uganda. They urgently need help. Bitte helfen Sie den Kindern in Jinja Uganda. Sie brauchen dringend Hilfe.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Open University
The Open University: the new courses are starting soon. If you would like to enrol and need help with funding, please apply by the 27.08.2013 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Faith Child Ministry

The Faith Child Ministry by abracacamera
The Faith Child Ministry, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
A lovely photograph of the children at the Faith Child Ministry. Thank you Kakooza Ronnie. May God bless you all. I pray that you will receive all the help you need.

Bitte helfen Sie den Kindern in Jinja Uganda. Sie haben mich um Hilfe gebeten, aber ich alleine habe nicht die Mittel und das Wissen, um ihnen in rechter Weise zu helfen. Ich bete jeden Tag fuer die Kinder und hoffe, dass sie moeglichst bald Hilfe bekommen.
 Mit freundlichen Gruessen und Gottes Segen,
herzlichst, Maria
<a href="

Please help the children of Jinja, Uganda. They have asked for my help but on my own I do not have the means nor the knowledge to help them effectively. I pray for the children every day, that they may receive help very soon.
With kindest regards and God's blessings,

Please help these Children:

Via Flickr:
Kakooza Ronnie and the Faith Child Ministry: