Via Flickr:
My first blanket has arrived at the Faith Child Ministry in Jinja Uganda.
Meine erste Decke ist angekommen beim Faith Child Ministry in Jinja Uganda.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Blanket has arrived! - Decke ist angekommen!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Frankincense Tree / Boswellia sacra / Weihrauchbaum
Via Flickr:
Saplings for Sale - UK only
Please contact:
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Blanket for the children of the Faith Child Ministry - Decke fuer die Kinder des Faith Child Ministry
Blanket for the children of the Faith Child Ministry - Decke fuer die Kinder des Faith Child Ministry, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I have finished my 35 knitted squares and crocheted them together this morning. I might add a border later today to fully complete it, but in any case I shall be sending this blanket to Uganda on Monday morning and I hope that it will bring some joy to the children.
Ich habe meine 35 Quadrate fertig gestrickt und sie heute morgen zusammengehaekelt zu einer Decke. Vielleicht werde ich spaeter noch eine Borde haekeln, um die Decke zu volleneden, aber wie auch immer, ich werde die Decke am Montagmorgen nach Uganda schicken und hoffe, dass sich die Kinder freuen werden.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Knitting for the Faith Child Ministry-Stricken fuer das Faith Child Ministry
Knitting for the Faith Child Ministry-Stricken fuer das Faith Child Ministry, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I have started knitting a blanket for the children of the Faith Child Ministry in Jinja Uganda. Presently knitting squares - I need 35 squares to complete one full blanket and at the moment I am just over half way through, and loving every stitch, knowing it will keep the children warm soon.
Ich habe angefangen eine Decke fuer die Kinder des Faith Child Ministry in Jinja Uganda zu stricken. Zur Zeit stricke ich einfache Quadrate-man benoetigt 35 Quadrate fuer eine volle Decke und ich habe bereits ueber die Haelfte geschafft, und liebe jede Masche die ich stricke, im Wissen, dass diese Decke schon bald die Kinder waermen wird..
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Pineapple homegrown- Ananas selbst gezuechtet
Via Flickr:
How to grow your own pineapples:
Pineapples can be grown very easily from the top of a pineapple that have been bought and eaten. All varieties can be propagated in the same way. Although you may not be able to grow as large a plant as is grown on a plantation in Hawaii, the following information should permit you to grow a healthy, attractive pineapple for your home:
1. Get your favourite pineapple from the local market or supermarket. Cut off the crown from the top of the fruit and set aside. Eat the rest of the fruit as you normally would.
2. Allow the bottom of the crown to dry out for a day or two.
3. Plant in sandy well-drained soil in a sunny location.
4. Water weekly in the beginning. Pineapples, like most bromeliads, prefer water in their vase-like tops, but do not need much water when established. They can get by on very little. Once the young plant is established, pour a cupful of well balanced diluted water soluble liquid fertilizer into the top of the plant monthly. Pineapples take up a lot of their nutrition through their leaves, and the first few months after planting they rely only on their leaves.
5. Avoid getting dirt or sand into the buds at the top of the plant as it may kill it.
So ziehen Sie Ihre eigene Ananas auf:
Ananas kann sehr leicht von der Spitze einer Ananas, die man gekauft und gegessen hat, angebaut werden. Alle Varianten können auf die gleiche Weise vermehrt werden. Obwohl Sie möglicherweise nicht in der Lage sind, so große Pflanzen wie auf einer Plantage in Hawaii angebaut werden, wachsen zu lassen, so moegen Sie doch folgende Informationen beachten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihnen ein gesundes, attraktives Ananas für Ihr Zuhause wachsen zu lassen:
1. Holen Sie sich Ihre Lieblings-Ananas aus dem lokalen Markt oder im Supermarkt.
Schneiden Sie die Krone von der Spitze der Frucht und stellen Sie sie beiseite. Essen Sie den Rest der Frucht wie gewohnt.
2. Lassen Sie den Boden der Krone fuer ein oder zwei Tage austrocknen.
3. Pflanzen Sie sie in sandigem, gut durchlässigen Boden an einem sonnigen Standort.
4. Waessern Sie wöchentlich am Anfang. Ananas, wie die meisten Bromelien, lieben ihr Wasser in ihrer vasenfoermigen Oeffnung, aber sie brauchen nicht viel Wasser, wenn sie einmal etabliert sind.
Sie können mit sehr wenig Wasser auskommen. Sobald die junge Pflanze etabliert ist, gießen Sie eine Tasse voll gut ausbalanciertem, verdünntem und wasserlöslichem Flüssigdünger in die Spitze der Pflanze, circa einmal monatlich. Ananas nehmen viel von ihrer Ernährung durch ihre Blätter auf, und die ersten Monate nach der Pflanzung, verlassen sie sich nur auf ihre Blätter.
5. Vermeiden Sie, dass Schmutz oder Sand in die Knospen an der Spitze der Pflanze kommt, denn sie koennte dadurch eingehen und sterben.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Faith Child Ministry
Via Flickr:
Please help the children of Jinja Uganda. They urgently need help. Bitte helfen Sie den Kindern in Jinja Uganda. Sie brauchen dringend Hilfe.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
The Faith Child Ministry
A lovely photograph of the children at the Faith Child Ministry. Thank you Kakooza Ronnie. May God bless you all. I pray that you will receive all the help you need.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen und Gottes Segen,
herzlichst, Maria
<a href=" "
Please help the children of Jinja, Uganda. They have asked for my help but on my own I do not have the means nor the knowledge to help them effectively. I pray for the children every day, that they may receive help very soon.
With kindest regards and God's blessings,
Please help these Children:
Please help these Children:, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Kakooza Ronnie and the Faith Child Ministry:
Friday, May 31, 2013
Hand knitted Children's Jumper - Handgestrickter Kinder Pullover
Hand knitted Children's Jumper - Handgestrickter Kinder Pullover, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
This jumper will fit an 8-9 year old child. I have taken the measuremnets from my grandson Jack.
Dieser Pullover ist passend fuer ein 8-9 Jahre altes Kind. Die Maasse entsprechen meinem Enkelsohn Jack.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Hand Knitted Children's Jumper - Handgestrickter Kinder Pullover
Hand Knitted Children's Jumper - Handgestrickter Kinder Pullover, a photo by abracacamera on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Knitted on round needles and finally finished today. It took me a while to get used to knitting in the round because the stitches have to be applied in a slightly different way. This is my first jumper for the Kas Charity Project.
Auf Rundstricknadeln gestrickt und heute endlich vollendet. Es hat etwas laenger gedauert 'rund' zu stricken, denn die Maschen muessen etwas anders eingestochen werden. Dies ist mein erster Pullover fuer das Kas Hilfsorganisations Project.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Ostern - A Poem / Ein Gedicht (german)
Via Flickr:
Der Herr ist auferstanden,
von Leid und Kreuzestod.
Es bleiben keine Banden,
vorbei ist alle Not.
Du hast fuer uns gelitten,
befreit uns von der Suend’,
dass wir von Dir erbitten,
und Deine Tat verkuend’.
Froehlich sind wir heute,
Du unser Retter bist.
Es jubeln alle Leute,
weil heute Ostern ist.
Du schickst den Geist hernieder,
auf Deine Bruederschaft.
Vom Vater aus uns wieder,
der Heilig’ Geist gibt Kraft.
So wandeln wir auf Erden,
auf uns’rer Pilgerfahrt,
mit Jesus stets im Herzen,
Der uns im Geiste naht.
Der Himmel steht uns offen,
in dieser Freudenzeit.
Auf uns’ren Herrn wir hoffen,
im weissen Osterkleid.
Halleluyah! - Frohe Ostern!
Easter - A Poem
Via Flickr:
My soul be joyful, at this time,
we cheer and sing, a wondrous chime.
The Lord has risen, from the grave,
for you and me, the sin forgave.
His sacrifice, has freed us all,
to follow Him, and hear His call.
Ascended to Heaven, on this very day,
giving His Spirit, to guide our way.
Lord Jesus be thanked, for this Gift of Life,
you freed us through, your sacrifice.
Joy to the world and Glory to Jesus,
the only One, who came to redeem us.
You opened the gate, to Heaven for us,
Your Spirit was sent, from the Father above.
We honour you always, for all you have done,
hoping to greet you, when our time will come.
Halleluyah! - Happy Easter!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Meine Seele duerstet! - A Poem / Ein Gedicht (german)
Via Flickr:
Meine Seele duerstet!
Meine Seele duerstet nach Dir O’ Herr,
des Lebens Last, liegt auf mir schwer.
Es sorgen mich so viele Dinge,
und nur Dein Wort, mir Heilung bringe.
Erstanden von des Todes Pain,
mein Herz gehoert nur Dir allein.
Die Liebe, die Du uns gebracht,
zeugt ewiglich, von Deiner Macht.
Der Weg zum Vater ist nun frei,
der Tod besiegt, durch deine Treu’.
Herr Jesus nimm’ auch meine Seele,
die ich in Deine Hand befehle.
Sie duerstet nach Dir, Tag und Nacht,
Dein Geist in meinem Herz erwacht.
Er leitet mich durch dieses Leben,
um mich alsbald, zu Dir erheben.
Beschuetze und bewahre mich,
durch Deine Liebe ewiglich.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Project 1 - Completed! 35 Squares=1Blanket! Yeah!
Today I finished my last squares for my first Kas Project. It has taken me the whole week and I'm afraid to say, I did fall behind on some of my housework. Now that the Project is finished, I can catch up on all those little jobs that still need doing around the house. I did enjoy my time knitting for the children. It has been very rewarding, especially now that it's done and knowing that soon, another blanket will be sewn together, to keep the children warm.. If all goes well, I'll be posting my first package tomorrow; glad to know that the postal strike in S. Africa is finally at an end. The squares I knitted can be arranged in a variety of ways and I think I will leave this decision up to the lovely Ladies in Sout Africa, who are doing a fantastic job, as I have seen on the photographs in the Blanket Album. My next Project will be a selection of various size jumpers I think, all depending on my next supply of wool. Thank you everyone for the wonderful support during the past week, it has been very encouraging.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead,
kindest wishes and God's blessings to you all,
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Knit-a-Square Project 1
Via Flickr:
I have completed 15 squares for my Kas Project, 20 more to go in order to reach my aim of 35 squares, which will make a lovely warm blanket for the children in Africa.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Project 1 - Part 2 / Knitting for 'Kas'
Via Flickr:
My progress so far are six completed squares, five green, one white and one just started. Hopefully I will get a couple more done tonight. It is a real joy and very relaxing to sit down and work for this wonderful cause and the children involved. The squares are knitted in different patterns, all of which can be used either back or front, the patterns are the same either side, which makes assembling them much easier. I left a fairly long tail on each one of the squares and tied them up in the way I have seen it done on previous photographs.
Wishing everyone a very nice evening,
Project 1 - My first 'Kas' Knitting Project
Via Flickr:
A selection of wool I have chosen for the Knit-a-square Charity.
I will try to complete 35 squares needed for a blanket to keep the children warm. Not sure how long it will take me to knit all the squares but I will keep regular updates.
For my first Kas Project I have chosen to knit 35 squares, needed for a full blanket. The colours I have chosen for this project will reflect the season of Spring, which is upon us now, even though it doesn't feel like it yet. I have chosen a light green, corresponding to green grasses and plants, coming to life after a long, cold and dark winter. Next I chose white in correspondence to purity, cleanliness, freshness, and brightness, as the days are getting finally longer and the whole world seems a lot brighter and new, in every aspect. Today I have completed 5 green squares.
I don't know if all the squares will go into the same blanket but that's not really important as I do realize that the squares will be re-assembled and put together at their final destination. I love the idea that all those squares, received by Kas from all around the world, are made with love for the children and each square was made by loving hands, eventually forming a unified, warm blanket. The children look wonderfully snug, wrapped up in these beautiful, multicoloured blankets. I think this is what attracted me to this website in the first place. All the love and care from so many busy knitters and crocheters from all around the world, working together to give comfort and warmth to so many vulnerable children. It's a wonderful cause and I feel very privileged to be part of this loving and caring community. Seeing the joy and happiness in these children's eyes is a true motivation to get involved. Thank you, for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful cause.
Love and God's blessings to everyone,
Monday, March 18, 2013
Via Flickr:
I will try to complete 35 squares needed for a blanket to keep the children warm. Not sure how long it will take me to knit all the squares but I will keep regular updates.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hand Knitted Children's Jumper - Handgestrickter Kinderpullover
Via Flickr:
Knitted in just plain pattern because I was told that men apparently aren't very keen on fancy patterns, I knitted this garment over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. Hopefully this jumper will fit my grandson, for whom it is intended.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Via Flickr:
The Snowdonia National Park takes its name from Snowdon which, at 1085m (3,560 feet), is the highest peak in Wales and England. In Welsh, Snowdon used to be called Yr Wyddfa Fawr (the Great Tomb or the Great Throne) or Carnedd y Cawr (the Cairn of the Giant). Nowadays it is simply called Yr Wyddfa, but the various names bear testament to a land steeped in legends, history and tradition. This is the ancient Kingdom of Gwynedd, the heart of Wales and the stronghold of 'Cymraeg', the Welsh Language. The Welsh name for the National Park is Eryri (The Highland).
Monday, January 21, 2013
Jerusalem - A Poem
Via Flickr:
Your walls stand proudly, the city surround,
Erect in Truth and Faith!
Your saints are gathered, inward bound,
In Freedom, not Enslaved!
No Man could ever build a place, worthy of the Lord,
For he himself is Great!
For everything a man has made, defended by the sword,
Delivered by his fate!
I see a vision of your Divine, home is near to me,
Still waiting by the gate!
Your holy presence in my mind, with all that I can be,
My spirit in your state!
Heavenly glory and riches of all, in your heart contained,
We long to meet you there!
The promise of eternity, by you it was proclaimed,
With all humility I can bear!
-Welcome to Jerusalem!-
Enter all you nations, the Truth will be revealed
Take upon your heavenly stations, never to be deceived;
The holy city once again, in glory stands so proud
For all the people of the world, this place was lost and found;
Re-built in Heaven, for Eternity last,
as you love, and choose your path;
Heaven will open and welcome you in,
enter the city by the name of Jerusalem