Via Flickr:
This jumper is available for auction on Ebay at:
This auction will end in 7 days. The jumper was knitted as a sample and test piece for cable stitch practice. Approximate Size: UK 10 (EU 38)
Colour: Pale Yellow
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hand Knitted Ladies Jumper
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hand Knitted Ladies Jumper
Via Flickr:
This jumper is available for auction on ebay. Auction ends today! Please find more details at:
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Hebrew Studies–Hebraeisch Studium
Hebrew Studies (english)
My Hebrew Studies have been a bit neglected lately due to personal reasons but I am hoping to get back into it. The daily repetition of the Hebrew Alphabet is back on track and I am hoping to make slow progress. Reading the Tanakh in conjunction with a website called Scripture Net at: is a very welcome help in my studies as this website gives me the transliteration of the Hebrew words, verses and meanings. I tend to switch from book to website to track my reading progress.
Hebraeisch Studium (german)
Mein Hebraeisch Studium ist in letzter Zeit aus rein peroenlichen Gruenden ein wenig in Verzug geraten, aber ich hoffe mich nun endlich wieder oefter meinem Studium widmen zu koennen. Mit den taeglichen Wiederholungsuebungen des Hebraeischen Alphabtes bin ich nun wieder fleissig im Gange und ich hoffe auch weiterhin langsam Fortschritte zu machen. Das Lesen des Tanakh ist mir in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Webseite namens Scripture Net auf: sehr hilfreich, da mir diese Webseite die transliterarischen Formen der Woerter, Verse und Bedeutungen gibt, die mir bei meinen Leseuebungen von groesster Hilfe sind. Ich bewege mich dabei staendig zwischen Webseite und Buch um meinen Fortschritt im Lesen zu ueberpruefen.
Hebrew Word Meanings
On a frequent basis we attach a meaning of a word from the Bible based on our own language and culture to a word that is not the meaning of the Hebrew word behind the translation. This is often a result of using our modern western thinking process for interpreting the Biblical text. For proper interpretation of the Bible it is essential that we take our definitions for words from an Ancient Hebraic perspective. Our modern western minds often work with words that are purely abstract or mental while the Hebrew's vocabulary was filled with words that painted pictures of concrete concepts. By reading the Biblical text with a proper Hebrew vocabulary the text comes to life revealing the authors intended meaning. Below each entry is a number corresponding to the "Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible" entry for the word.